BALSA BUSTERS BY-LAWS                                                                                   Back to HomePage





1.       President

2.       Vice President

3.       Secretary

4.       Treasurer

5.       Safety Officer

6.       Field Marshal


Balsa Busters R/C Flying club is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1992 to promote the model aviation hobby.


Section 1 – Membership 

A.      Membership in the club is available to all individuals satisfying the following requirements:

1.       Be a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics

2.       Signify a willingness adhere to all the rules and regulations of the club as they may from time to time be established pursuant to the By-Laws.

3.       Have paid dues for the current period.

4.       Junior Membership

a.       Anybody under the age of 18

5.       Second Family Membership

a.       Second family member is defined as a parent/spouse/partner that resides at the same physical address


B.      Termination of membership in the club may be accomplished in the following ways:

1.       Voluntarily, by resignation, either verbal or written, to the club officers.  Members resigning in good standings are eligible for reinstatement at any time without sponsorship.

2.       Involuntary, due to non-payment of dues, or at the direction of the club officers for flagrant or continued violations of club rules or regulations of the club and/or the hobby.

C.      Reinstatement of terminated members may be accomplished in the following ways:

1.       Members who resign in good standing may be reinstated if they can produce a valid AMA license and pay the requested dues for the current period.

2.       All other former members seeking reinstatement will be treated as new applicants.

3.       Persons dropped from the membership at the direction of the club officers Club Officers will not be considered for reinstatement without approval of the officers.


D.      Exceptional case of application for or termination of membership will be clarified by the officers.



Section 2 – Club Officers               

                                Officers are elected for a one-year term.

All Officers shall have voting privileges except the President who may only vote in the   case of tie to break the tie vote


Section 3 – Duties of Officers 

A. The President shall:

1.       Preside at all general meetings

2.       Act as a spokesperson for the club

3.       As President, assure a quorum of five voting members of for any requisite vote. Authorize emergency or special expenditures not exceeding fifty dollars in any one instance.

4.       Replace officers who are unable to fulfill their required duties due to excessive absence, reason of health and so on.  Replacements will finish out the unexpired term of the replaced club officer.  Replacements must be a approved by the officers.

5.       Call appropriate executive groups as need to carry out necessary business. 

6.       Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.


B.  The Vice President shall act for the President when he/she is unable or unavailable to serve.


C.   The Secretary shall:

1.       Keep the Minutes of all Club Officers meetings of the club.

2.       Cause to be carried out the official correspondence of the club

3.       Maintain a file of club correspondence, insurance records, Club Charter and so on.


D.  The Treasurer shall:

1.       Collect all monies due, disburse same and keep accurate records of all transactions.

2.       Present a report of all transactions to club meetings and be prepared as required, to report at general meetings of members.  An annual financial statement to the members within sixty days next following the end of each calendar year.

3.       Keep all club funds in a club checking and/or savings account as approved by the club.

4.       File and maintain all requisite reports pertinent to retaining charter membership in the AMA.

5.       Keep all records of members in good standings.


E.       Safety officer shall:

1.       Pre-flight inspect new aircraft as indicated.

2.       Pre-flight repaired aircraft as indicated.

3.       Analysis of cause for any crash, pilot error included, resulting in any injury or property damage.


5.       Enforcement of AMA Safety Code.

6.       Right to prevent individual’s fliers from flying if their conduct or aircraft is not suitable.

7.       Supervision of spectators

8.       Supervision of flight line and frequency control.

9.       Know address of shortest route to hospital, police, and fire departments.

10.    Know location of field fire extinguisher

11.    Know names of persons qualified in first aid, CPR, etc.

12.    Conduct Safety classes as part of regular club meetings, as needed.


F.       Field Marshal shall:

1.       Supervise field layout; parking, flight lines, etc.

2.       Greet new faces at the field and explain the sport.

3.       Know address of shortest route to hospital, police, and fire departments.

4.       Supervise the radio impound area

5.       Be responsible for field maintenance, recruit volunteers as needed.

6.       Have knowledge of first aid and location of first aid kit.

7.       Have the ability to handle non-fliers who may disrupt operations.

8.       Have personal knowledge of public officials to contact if needed to handle problems.



Section 4 – Elections of Officers 

All officers of the club are elected by and from the general membership.


Section 5 – Meetings 

A.      The general Members shall meet during the first Tuesday of every month from April to October. The President shall give a brief report to the club activities.  Treasury and Membership reports shall be given as appropriate.

B.      The Club Officers shall meet as deemed necessary by the President.  It shall be the responsibility of the Club Officers to keep abreast of the opinions and ideas of the General Membership.  In order that Club activities and direction are in the best interest of the Club Members and the Club.

C.      The conduct of all meetings shall in accordance with the regular Parliamentary Procedure per “Roberts Rules of Order”.


Section 6 – Flying Rules and Regulations 

All flying activities under the sponsorship of the Club shall be in accordance AMA rules and Club Rules and Regulations. 


Section 7 – Dissolution Process 

In the event the General Membership of the Club feels any or all officers are not working toward the best interest of the Club, the officer(s) can be voted out by a vote in which two-thirds (2/3) of the General Membership in good standings affirm the action.


Section 8 – Dues and Fees 

A.      The annual Membership Dues shall be determined by the Officers and approved by a majority vote of the Members in good standing present at the meeting at which the vote is taken.  A change in dues shall become effective on the first day of January next following or coincident with the day on which the vote is taken.

B.      No special assessment shall be levied except upon the recommendation of the Officers and approved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing.

C.      Any Member delinquent in dues shall forfeit all right and privileges of Membership until said dues are paid. 


Section 9 – Checks and Funds


A.      All funds and properties shall stand in the name of the club.  The funds of the Club shall be disbursed only as authorized by the Club Officers and membership.

B.      All checks issued in the name of the Club shall be signed by the President and/or the Treasurer of the Club. All monies belonging to the Club shall be deposited to the credit of the Club in such depositories, as shall de designated by the Club Officers.

C.      A yearly audit will be performed by an audit committee comprised of at least 2 appointed General Members

 Section 10 – Special Funds

  The Treasurer is authorized to receive contributions or specially obtained funds from approved individual, group, organization or institution to be applied to the general treasury of the Club.

 Section 11 – Amendments

                         The General Membership shall be notified in advance, in writing (via the Club Website or special notice) that amendments will be considered at a General Meeting.  Any Member may make proposed amendments to the By-Laws of the Club in good standing.  Amendments to the By-Laws will require an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members in good standing.